Car Park Ventilation System

The car-park is the first point of entry for most buildings with underground car-parks. As such, indoor air quality and comfort level in the car-park forms the first impression of the building. A common practice in this field is to adopt a fixed timing ventilation method. This can be highly energy wasting especially when most of the car engines are off. With the help of sensors, the car-park ventilation system can be based on actual demand. This maintains a comfortable car park environment and saves energy at the same time and leaves a good impression with the users.

Most building codes require a very high ventilation rate in enclosed parking or in areas involving vehicle repairs and operation. This must be provided during all hours of use. Most codes allow fans to be operated intermittently or complete shut-off as long as the carbon monoxide (CO) concentration in the space does not exceed 25 or 50ppm (check local code). A CO sensor can be used to reduce fan energy costs by switching off or reducing fan speed when CO level is low.